It's been a while since my last blog, but mainly have been keeping my updates on my Mason Survival FB Page - Mason Survival FB page.
I returned back to Switzerland on Sunday 4th August, having been back in the UK for the last 3 months.
I have been concentrating on more strength/speed type training for the last 2 month, working on increasing my speed on lifts, assistant exercises to ultimately to get stronger.
I have been training with the Guys at Max Strength and have been doing lots of banded work, deficit/partial lifts, speed lifts, specific assistance work and its been a great 2 month training.
So, now I'm back in Verbier for the next 4 weeks and still going to be focusing on the same goal...GET STRONGER AND FASTER!
Monday 5th August
Box squats 10x2@120kg 1 Min rest in between sets
Glute ham raises 6x5
Back Extensions 4x12
TRX Face pulls 3x20
Banded Good mornings 3x20
Banded Pull aparts 3x20
Tuesday 6th August
Close grip Paused Bench Press (pause at bottom, middle and lock out for 3 secs) 3x3 @80kg
Strict press 7x2@60kg
40 Strict Rope pullups
Wednesday 7th August
Speed Deadlifts 12x3 @120kg
Bent over rows 5x6 @80kg
Side Bends 4x20 @20kg

Friday 8th August
Back Squat 6x3@120kg
Bench press (Pause at bottom and top) Descending ladder 10@60kg 8@70kg 6@75kg 4@85kg 2 @100kg
Fat grip Hammer curls 4x9@15kg
Sunday 10th August
Powerclean and Powersnatch practice
I returned back to Switzerland on Sunday 4th August, having been back in the UK for the last 3 months.
I have been concentrating on more strength/speed type training for the last 2 month, working on increasing my speed on lifts, assistant exercises to ultimately to get stronger.
I have been training with the Guys at Max Strength and have been doing lots of banded work, deficit/partial lifts, speed lifts, specific assistance work and its been a great 2 month training.
So, now I'm back in Verbier for the next 4 weeks and still going to be focusing on the same goal...GET STRONGER AND FASTER!
box squats in the garden |
Monday 5th August
Box squats 10x2@120kg 1 Min rest in between sets
Glute ham raises 6x5
Back Extensions 4x12
TRX Face pulls 3x20
Banded Good mornings 3x20
Banded Pull aparts 3x20
Tuesday 6th August
Close grip Paused Bench Press (pause at bottom, middle and lock out for 3 secs) 3x3 @80kg
Strict press 7x2@60kg
40 Strict Rope pullups
Wednesday 7th August
Speed Deadlifts 12x3 @120kg
Bent over rows 5x6 @80kg
Side Bends 4x20 @20kg
Friday 8th August
Back Squat 6x3@120kg
Bench press (Pause at bottom and top) Descending ladder 10@60kg 8@70kg 6@75kg 4@85kg 2 @100kg
Fat grip Hammer curls 4x9@15kg
Sunday 10th August
Powerclean and Powersnatch practice
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