Sunday, 5 August 2012

Training Week 30th July - 5th August

Monday 30th July 2012

Warm Up:
Double Unders (2 skips per 1 jump)
OHS (Overhead Squats) with Plastic Dowling
Strict Pullups
I always do this even if I don't write it here!

Deadlift: 8 x 3 @130kg (these are the working set, I warm up with sets from 70kg)  - I changed the set and rep range today from 5 x 5, but the volume is the same.


20 Deadlifts 80 kg
10 Boxjumps Overs 24" Box
100 Double Unders
20 Deadlifts 80 kg
10 Boxjump Overs
30 SDHP (Sumo Deadlift High Pulls)
20 Deadlifts
10 Boxjump Overs
30 Burpees

Time: 14:48

Tuesday 31st July

Back Squat: 20 rep Program 20 x 112.5kg - this is now getting seriously tough, its a real mental challenge to do 20 reps in one go, getting the balance of not doing it too quickly, but breathing after every rep, but not taking too many breaths standing up as you still have the bar on your shoulders. I had a big adrenalin rush before doing this, felt like I was going into combat, which I guess it was...with my head! Impossible to Walk straight after!!!


3 X 4 Minute AMRAP - 2 Min rest between sets

1st set:
5 HSPU (handstand Push ups)
5 Hollow Rocks
5 Pullups
Rounds: 6

2nd Set
5 Push Ups
5 Back Extensions
5 Burpees
Rounds: 7

3rd Set
5 Squats
5 Jumping Lunges
5 Mountain Climbers
Rounds: 10

Total Rounds: 23

Wednesday 1st August

Dynamic Effort:
Power Snatch 12 x 3 40kg

Strict Press 3 x 5 62.5kg


FGB Style
1minute of each x 3(count total reps) with 1 minute rest between rounds of:
Tyre Flips
Ballslams 9kg ball
Row for calories
Punch Bag (Hit it as if your life depended on it!)
WallBalls 9kg ball

Total: 345

Thursday 2nd August

Strength: Back Squat: 20 rep Program 20 x 115kg - Another 2.5kg added....tougher than Tuesday!

Tech Work: Olympic Lifting Class with Holly Gehlcken - Snatch and Clean

The qualifying WODS (  )have now been released for the 4 Nations Crossfit Comp in Manchester at the end of September of which I have entered the Masters Comp, so looking forward to doing them and qualifying!!

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