Car Flipping at a Strongman Comp on Sunday |
Sunday 22nd July
Today's WODs were for the South Island Showdown Qualifiers for Team Sussex
800m Run
25 Pullups
400m Run
20 Pullups
200m Run
15 Pullups
10 minute rest then onto WOD2
WOD2 -
8 minute time cap
30 Ground to Overhead (GTOH) anyhow( Clean and press/Jerk, Snatch, power Snatch) 60kg
Once 30 GTOH have been completed continue with over the bar burpees till 8 minute time cap.
Burpees: 23
30 Minute rest then onto WOD3
10 HSPU(Handstand Push ups
20 Wallball Shots 9kg ball
30 Kettlebell Swings 24kg
40 Double Unders
50 Air Squats
40 Double Unders
30 Kettlebell Swings 24kg
20 Wallball Shots 9kg ball
10 Toes to Bar
Time: 13:38
Monday 23rd July
Strength - Back Squat (20 rep Program) 20 x 105kg
Tuesday 24th July
Strength - Deadlift 5 x 5 @125kg
Wod - 12 Minute ladder of
Powercleans 60KG
Toes to Bar
so, you do 2 of each, then 4 , then 6 and so on till 12 minutes are completed
Score: 10sets +12 powercleans
Wednesday 25th July
Back Squat (20 rep Program) 20 x 107.5kg
Strict Press - 5 x 3 @62.5kg
Thursday 26th July
OHS (Overhead Squat Tech)
20 Minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
30 double unders
8 Squat Cleans 60kg
11 hand release Pressups
Rounds: 4 +8 powercleans
Saturday 28th July
Strength: Back (20 rep Program) 20 x 110kg
21-15-9 (21 Reps of both exercises then 15, then 9)
Front Squats 42kg
HSPU (Handstand Push ups)
Time: 6:02
A good week, the Back squat program is getting hard, its a real tough mental program, but I like it, after the last rep (20) I cant stand up and am shaking and my vision is blurred, but I feel my endurance both physically and mentally is getting stronger.
After persevering with trying to acquire unbroken Double unders...the effort I have put in has paid off, Tuesday I finally got 'em...shame I didn't get them 2 days before when I did the qualifying WODS for Team Sussex!!
With my other lifts Deadlift and Press I have gone back to the basic Linear strength program of just adding small increase each time I train and using the 5x5, 8x3, 5x3 across, so I can keep a high volume of weight lifted. Especially for my Deadlift, I need to just train in volume (5 sets x 5 rep) to increase my grip strength and also to create good positive mental blueprints for lifting a heavy weight.
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