Sunday, 2 September 2012

Training 28th August - 1st September 2012

Tuesday 28th August

4 Nations Qualifying WOD 4: “Grip strength”

In 6 minutes get as far up the ladder of
Deadlifts 85kg
Score is number of reps completed. Ladder to be completed as 1 Deadlift 1 T2B, 2 Deadlifts 2 T2B, 3 Deadlifts 3 T2B etc until time runs out.

Deadlifts = bar must touch the floor in-between each rep, top of the rep hips fully open and shoulders behind the bar. No bouncing of the bar off the floor permitted.
T2B = both feet must touch the bar at the top, arms fully extended at the bottom with feet passing behind the body line.

10 Deadlift 1 T2B = Total Reps 101 

Wednesday 29th August
4 Nations Qualifying WOD 1: Some may call her ‘Grindy’
In an 8 minute window complete
A) 30 ground to overhead 55kg
then in remaining time
B) As many rounds and reps of
5 pull ups
10 press ups
15 squats
Score is the number of rounds & reps completed in B) i.e. if you complete 5 rounds & 3 pull ups your score is 153.
GTO = bar must touch the ground in between each rep, at the top full lock out, head through and feet beneath the hips.
Pull ups = chin over the bar at the top and arms fully extended at the bottom.
Press ups = chest to floor at the bottom, arms extended at the top, obvious signs of worming should not be allowed athletes should try to maintain a tight core throughout.
Squats = hips below parallel at the bottom, hips and knees fully extended at the top.

 4 full rounds plus 5 Pull ups, 10 press ups, 6 squats = Reps: 141

Friday 31st August

WOD 2: “Don’t drop the ball!!!”
In 7 minute window
A) Row 1000m
in remaining time complete as many reps as possible
B) Wall Balls 9kg Ball – every time you rest for longer than 5 seconds, drop the ball or no rep you must perform 5 burpees before you continue the wall balls!!!
Score is the number of Wall Balls performed

Row = set the rower to 1000m distance, any damper setting can be used, rower must reach 0m before the athlete can get off the rower.
Wall Balls = hip must be below parallel at the bottom, the ball must TOUCH the wall at or above the target.
Burpees = chest to floor at the bottom, jumps and clap overhead at the top

Wallballs: 64

Saturday 1st September
WOD 3: “Nannie”
For time
50 Double Unders
15 Overhead squats 35kg
40 Double Unders
15 Overhead squats 35kg
30 Double Unders
15 Overhead squats 35kg
20 Double Unders
15 Overhead squats 35kg
10 Double Unders
15 Overhead squats 35kg
Score is time to complete the WOD with fastest time

Double Unders = rope must pass under the feet twice, if the rope hits the front of the feet this has not passed under twice therefore constitutes a no rep.
Overhead squat = bar must start on the ground but can be brought to the overhead position any how. The first rep can be a squat snatch. Hips must be below parallel at the bottom, full extension at the top with arms locked out and head through.

Time: 10:50

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