Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Back to some lifting....

So, after 6 weeks of not lifting due the amount of ski teaching I have been doing..all day everyday, the busy period is over and I now have a chance to relax a bit and get back to lifting some heavy weights!!!

Lake Geneva at Montreux
After doing some massage on my achillies and calfs which hurt alot...being is ski boots everyday takes it toll! I decided to do some Deadlifts, which I gavent done since the 28th of January....a long time ago.

I was wondering if I had lost any strength, but was surprised that my reps for the same program from the 28th January was exactly the same! I miss doing regular Crossfit and weight lifting....but its just not possible to do this when I'm skiing/teaching for 6/7 hours a day...especially when I workout outside!

The afternoon was spent visiting Montreux

Warm Up:
3 rounds of:
10 Airsquat
5 L Sir Pullups
10 Pressups
10 Sit ups

5/3/1 Wendler DeadLift Program
5 x 70kg
5 x 75kg
3 x 87.5kg
5 x 100kg
5 x 110kg
5+ (12reps) x 120kg
Followed by 5 rounds of
10 x 70kg

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I have a quick question about your blog, do you think you could email me?
