Saturday, 1 October 2011

Todays W.O.D @in2crossfit Clapham

To Celebrate the hottest day on record for  October, we went to In2Crossfit in Clapham for a quiet bit of friendly exercise, meet new friends, eat and chill.....

Ok, so the exercise wasnt quiet and wasnt that much fun....until it was not just one WOD but 2...
WOD #1
AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) 20 minutes
Start off with 200 Squats, then for the remainder of the 20 minutes AMRAP of:
200m run
10 Toes to Bar
10 Pressups
Time/Rounds - 5
...try running after 200 squats....its a completely weird experience...cos you cant feel your legs at all!!!
so, trying not to puke by the end of this.....we did another WOD..

2 Man WOD
100 Burpee Powercleans 40kg Barbell
200 Situps
One starts off with the Burpee Powercleans, while the other does situps and alternate after 10 powercleans
Time: 11:40


If you're in Clapham, London and fancy trying out the best strength and body conditioning training have a look at: In2crossfit Clapham

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